Sunday, August 28, 2022

Tooooooo manyyyyy tomatoesssssssssssss

Well.  With 6 well-producing tomato plants, this is just too much.  Not to mention the one cherry tomato (Jasper variety), whose leaves are riddled now with septoria leaf spot or blight or something like that but keeps producing a nice gradual harvest over the last several weeks -- and also not to mention the the flops from the north bed most of which produced a few small tomatoes.

Too many tomatoesssssssssss.  It's been workable so far, but the freezer is definitely starting to approach capacity -- and I foresee quite a rush of tomatoes over the next couple of weeks.

Glad to see that the GEFC seems to accept people's fresh produce -- will most likely go that route soon.

So yes, the row of 3 x 2 tomatoes in the central bed, 3 of Big Tofu Plus and 3 Tofusteak:  One of the Tofusteak isn't that at all, ended up being some kind of determinate variety, so puny.  The others I had all topped several weeks ago in case that would help them start ripening, so they haven't had any new growth in a while, and each of these plants doesn't have a huge number of tomatoes, though many are quite big, so the cumulative amount of tomatoes is... a lot.

Then there's the one Tofusteak "leftover" at the south part of the central bed -- which, WOW, is just LOADED with tomatoes -- not giant ones, but very decent sized.  Really all I'd need is 2 plants like this plus one cherry tomato and that would be plenty for me.  But, you never know how plants will turn out (look how all the north bed ones ended up being total duds except for the Jasper), so, it is what is is.

Can't complain!

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