Tuesday, October 31, 2023

First frost was last night

It has been a mild fall until now -- got some cooler nights at the 0 +1 range, but no frost in the yard until last night when it went down to -4.  The tenders are now done.  --> Edited to add that actually the stevias are still looking fine even after several cold nights!!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ground cherry died quickly over past week

Not sure why, but the main/giant volunteer ground cherry at the south edge of the central bed died over the past week.  Pulled/removed it today.  We haven't had frost yet, but nights have definitely been chilly, so maybe that's why.

SVB finally took down the never-tulled zuke by hydro meter

Wow, I'm impressed the plant lasted this long, never having been tulled.  But this morning it was suddenly wilted -- inspection found at least one SVB.  Got one last zuke off it this morning -- it was a good run.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Wild mini-apples on Cntk!

Wow!  I'm not sure if these would classify as mini-apples or mega-crabapples, but they are adorable and perfect -- no sign of insect issues.  Very edible raw on their own!  

Wild grapes at CMuseum! Yum!

Along the west field tree line.  Enjoyed a few as a snack while passing through.  Juicy and tasty, not bitter at all.