Friday, January 28, 2022

Things to grow in future allotment garden

I've been feeling frustrated with my limited growing space combined with the fact that realistically I'll definitely be here at least 5 years and likely closer to 10, so, figured I'd go ahead and apply for a spot at the allotment garden.  With a long waiting list it will likely be several/many years before I get one, but, it will be nice to know that hopefully it will happen at some point.

I would just go for a half plot, which would still be 500 square feet!!  My current backyard growspace isn't even 200 square feet!  So, a half plot would be just dandy.

These are the types of things I think I would grow in the allotment, which would free up space in the yard.  Thinking of things that...

- Can be planted as transplants rather than direct from seed (since I won't be around daily for watering until germinated)

- Don't need to be planted early (since the plots don't open up until mid-May)

- Don't need to be covered in tulle (too much worrying about theft/damage or the wind blowing it away etc.)

- Aren't highly susceptible to insects (since I won't be around daily for removal)

- Aren't kitchen-garden types of things (eg salad items are nice to have at home)

So, here's what I'm thinking for the allotment (I'll update this list with future ideas):

- ground cherries (since I can no longer grow them in the yard due to rats)

- tomatoes (hopefully low risk of fruit theft since I pick them at first blush)

- potatoes (hopefully low risk of theft since out of sight)

- winter squash (a SVB-resistant variety)

- stevia (to sweeten my tea)

- buckwheat (to then bring them home for soil amendment)

- beans (easy to plunk in some pole supports; would be fun to grow different varieties)

- sunflowers (just for fun, and, since can no longer grow them at home due to rats)

And, maybe I could try some things that need more sun than my yard gets...

- peppers?  but would be high risk of theft, still, could try for fun.

- onions?  this would be worth trying

- what else?  TBD...

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