Sunday, January 15, 2023

Home-blended seed starting mix -- First attempt

Mixed up a fairly small batch, which will be used for the onions, begonia, and whatever else things whose starting time is coming soon.

Here's the recipe I used:

20 cups peat moss
10 cups ProMix Premium Potting Mix*
3/4 cup perlite
3/4 cup vermiculite
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup alfalfa pellets **
zero cup soybean meal because I don't have any yet, but when I do I'll use 1/2 cup
1/4 cup rock phosphate
1/8 cup dolomite lime
1/8 cup myccorhizae
1/8 cup azomite

* It's supposed to be 10 cups of compost, but I don't have my own and haven't found a vegan source yet, so for now using potting mix to replace it.  ProMix told me (when I inquired by email) that their Premium Potting Mix has no animal-based ingredients; its fertilizer is chemical-based.  I wonder if I even need to use ProMix at all, given the other nutrient aspects of this mix...

** This time I just put in the pellets as-is, but for next time and for adding to this batch -- for better / more even distribution I'll pre-soak the pellets to get them to disintegrate, then spread them out to dry.  This will integrate into the mix much better.

I'm wondering about adding some of the shredded leaves stored in my basement... haven't done it yet as I'm not sure if it could introduce disease etc...

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