Friday, July 16, 2021

SVB eggs on the central tulled zucchinis?!!?! -- some tulle edges had come a bit loose

By chance while hopefully admiring the new zucchini transplants in the central bed, and after lifting up the tulle to tweak them, which have been under tulle since day one, I espied not one, not two, but three things that I think were SVB eggs!!!!  I was flummoxed, but as I went around the edges adding more rocks, I noticed a few spots where a determined moth could have gotten through.  I almost wonder if the neighbourhood rat might have pushed his/her way under, which could explain why the pockets were there.

So, I removed the eggs, and resecured the tulle using more rocks.

While typing up this blog, I felt something on the back of my hand.  Upon close inspection, it's a teeny tiny whitish/opaquish caterpillar -- with a black dot where the head is.  Could it be a very newly hatched SVB who crawled onto my hand while I was fiddling with these plants!?!?!?!?!?

Well, at the very least there can't be a ton of eggs, and hopefully now with more rocks it will be more secure.  If I lose these plants, well, it's been a real learning year, next year will be a fresh start...

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