Sunday, July 18, 2021

Daycare sunflower seeds: All 3 are different!

The 3 seeds from the daycare flower head collected last fall all turned into different-looking sunflowers.

- The one in front of my chair (central bed) is most similar to the original daycare plant:  Similar height (~6'), similar or same colour (orange/red inner ring, yellow outer ring), same plentiful multi-branching.  However, this one takes up a lot more space!  Not compact at all.  Although, the daycare one might have just looked more compact when it wasn't in my yard :D

- The one in the west bed (near compost bin) is taller (~7+'), and the flower is pure yellow.  Same great multi-branching though.

- The one in the front is most different:  Only about 5' tall, with the smallest flowers of the three, and the colour is burgundy inner ring, light yellow outer ring.

Fun to see how they all turn out!  I love that they're all multi-branching. Currently they have only 1 open flower each, except the central bed which has 3 so far.  Looking forward to them all having multiple flowers.

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