Friday, July 2, 2021

Itty bitty song sparrow fledgling

While poking around the garden today, what did I suddenly see looking up at me from atop a parsley stalk in the central bed, but a teeny tiny fledgling.  Well not teeny tiny, but definitely itty bitty, much younger than the other ones I saw a few weeks ago.  Was just sitting there.  So I went inside and herded the dogs inside (they hadn't seen) and watched.  About half an hour later an adult song sparrow came along and tended to the baby.  I didn't see feeding, but eventually the adult showed the baby how to get through the fence at the bottom (since the baby wasn't flying).  The baby looks weird in that s/he doesn't seem to have a tail / long tail feathers, though Google images seem to suggest that may be normal.  I hope s/he will be ok.  But it does go to show what they say about not rushing out and interfering when we see a baby animal -- chances are the parents are around and will come back.

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