Friday, June 18, 2021

Mineralized phosphate applied to zucchinis/rondes/winter squash and most tomatoes

Bought mineralized phosphate (Gaia Green) from Ritchie's today.  Desperate to try something to get the dang zucchini to make viable fruit (instead of growing to 1 or 2 cms and fizzling out before even getting close to flowering).  I had this problem last year as well with most summer squash, and then there was the winter squash that kept fruiting/flowering but not one single one made it to maturity despite ample hand-pollinating.

I'm unsure of the difference between Gaia Green's rock phosphate and their mineralized phosphate but if the interwebs are true the latter might be fossilized bat guano?  Weird, why wouldn't they call it as such?  It looks like cocoa powder, brown so I could see it being guano as I would have imagined rock being grey?  I dunno.  I messaged Gaia Green last night to ask what the difference is between these two products but haven't yet heard back.  So anyway I fell into the trap of "if it's more expensive then it must be better" and bought the mineralized phosphate, $90 plus tax for 10 kg (22 pounds)!!!!

So for all of the summer/winter squash, plus all of the tomatoes except medium, I used my fingers to sort of dig in shallowly (an inch or two) around each plant and dusted some MP.  Covered back up, then gave everything a watering (it rained this afternoon but that was before I applied the stuff).

Probably too late to do much good, but at least I'll be more prepared for next year...

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