Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Aphids on carrots (FOY)!!! (lots of them) but harvested a nice carrot -- and some on parsley too

Geez, it was just yesterday that I was admiring the carrots (and harvested one runty forked carrot) -- then today I happened to notice the carrot leaves have many aphids... yellowish aphids in various life stages. (seems to be a different type of aphid than the ones on the cucumbers)

Some of the leaves upon close inspection are looked tired/bothered/not-quite-right.  A few leaves are distorted/skinny.  Harvested one carrot with a distorted leaf -- it was beautiful and delicious, a nice size, not huge but pretty perfect!

It seems aphids might not do too much damage to mature carrot plants, so I guess for now I'll just do nothing.

What a day -- discovery today of cucumber beetles, rotted kale, and carrot aphids, augh!!

p.s. / edit:  Harvested a sprig of curly parsley this evening and lo and behold, a couple of aphids there too.  (but much less density than the carrots -- so far, at least)

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