Sunday, May 26, 2024

GA: Carrots round 2 started today -- with peat moss experiment (over top of round 1 which I'm sure was a flop due to hard-top soil)

Even though the burlap was in place right away, I suspect the round 1 carrots at GA are a flop, as the soil is very hard, and I had left the seeds right on top, not dug in at all.

So, today, I loosed up / re-hand-dug the area (surely digging in the round 1 seeds), then spread out dry peat moss, then watered the peat moss, then broadcast seeds, then spread out more dry peat moss over top, then watered it all in, then re-covered with the burlap and finally watered the burlap.  A few days of rain are called for starting tomorrow -- here's hoping this round works!

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