Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Spiders are a garden's best friend?

Here's a great article all about spiders in the garden.

I know all this stuff, but, there is still nothing in this world that sends a literal shiver up my spine than spiders.

Though I have to say, after last year of dealing with so. many. insect. eating the plants, this year when I see spiders in the garden I consciously tell myself that it's a good thing, and I don't relocate the spider webs unless they're in a particularly bad spot like across a path.

Also, I thank orienteering for getting me mostly over my fear/hatred of walking through webs.  I used to absolutely hate when this would happen, but now it's happened so much while orienteering that it's not such a big deal... as long as I never have to see the actual spider who made the web!

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