Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lemon balm -- yum!!!!

How can it be that all these many years of having renegade lemon balm (mostly in the NE corner), I never even once tried to make something with it?  (It wasn't even a tag on the blog until today!)

Until today!

Today I sniffed a leaf, thinking I'd be repelled as I thought I used to be, and wow I really liked it.  So, googled recipes, and made these:

- Lemon Balm Pesto:  Actually pretty good!  Same type of basil pesto recipe, but all lemon balm instead of basil.

- Lemon Balm Tea / Iced Tea:   Verrrry nice!  (The iced tea is TBD -- it's currently in the fridge.)  Boiled 1 cup of water on the stove; once boiled, added in 1 Tbsp finely chopped leaves; steeped for 10 minutes; strained leaves; stirred in 2 tsps sugar.

- Lemon Balm Cookies:  Hmm, the dough was delicious, but once they were baked they lost the magic.

- Candied Lemon Balm Leaves:  Well I don't have corn syrup, so I couldn't try this one yet, but I want to soon!

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